Project Habitat for Hope-Hurricane Harvey

Project Habitat for Hope

Project Habitat for Hope

Works to assist families struggling with housing insecurity post Hurricane Harvey, in the Greater Houston area and Port Arthur, TX.  Lead by the Executive Director, Ellen Ray Graham, who has a myriad of experience in remodeling and restoring homes throughout the Texas Gulf Coast.    This team provides assistance to those in need of transitional living placement, demolition, removal, and fixing unlivable homes and building new homes so families can return to a sense of normalcy and stability. In addition, Project Habitat for Hope contributes to community reinvestment via job offerings  that become available on various projects.

Project Habitat for Hope believes that strong families = Healthy Communities !

Meet Our Executive Director

Ellen Graham, is the Executive Director of the Project Habitat for Hope.  She leads a team of professionals with expertise in human capital and economic development to help people in Port Arthur that were hard hit by Hurricane Harvey.

Ellen Ray believes that all residents want safe, vibrant neighborhoods to work, live and play.  She is the lead artistic visionary for Project Habitat for Hope named Palm Vista.  Since Hurricane Harvey devastated Port Arthur (including the small community of El Vista), Ellen has been the lead developer for the remodel of several homes.  Many homes were too destroyed by rising water and are scheduled for demolition.  It’s definitely time to rebuild this community with not only clean and safe housing but rebuilding a beautiful community.  The rebuilding starts with Palm Vista.  It’s a planned development that will assist in the housing of several families as well as elderly residents.

Ellen has remodeled more than 50 homes in the Port Arthur, Houston and Galveston communities.  She is “seasoned” enough to know the complexity of safe and affordable home building and energetic enough to still get excited about building our community.  She’s a hometown graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School (class of ’72) and a “Proud Cardinal” graduate of Lamar University, Beaumont (class of ’75).

Contact number  713-523-5858